Utagawa Masahisa Ⅴ & Unknown Artists | Learning Vocabulary


五代目歌川国政 Utagawa Masahisa Ⅴ & Unknown Artists

识字图册(玩具绘 · 教育绘)
Learning Vocabulary

Meiji period

木版画 | 纵绘大判 | 38.3cm x 25.5cm x 5
Woodblock-print | Oban tata-e | 38.3cm x 25.5cm x 5

Good condition



These 5 wonderful and energetic works from artists such as Utagawa Masahisa Ⅴ are picture books from the Meiji period. Each page depicts 25 common items from daily life within 5x5 squares, with the corresponding written descriptions above. Many are items that had just arrived in Japan, such as glasses, leather shoes, thermometers, etc., revealing through charming pictures and text the transformation of Japan and the integration of the many things that were part of it.

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